VET Student Loans
What is VET Student Loans?
The VET Student Loans program assists eligible students enrolled in approved higher level vocational education and training (VET) courses to pay their tuition fees. VET Student Loans replaced the VET FEE-HELP loan program from 1st January 2017.
How do I know if I am eligible and where can I find information on VET Student Loans?
The following two documents provide information about the VET Student Loans program and how it works, including information on eligibility and other aspects of the loans program:
Information on VET Student Loans program are also available on the Study Assist website.
What ABTA courses are approved for VET Student Loans?
Related Documents
Approved Courses
Policies and Procedures
Provider Cancellation of Enrolment Procedures for Approved Courses
Student Review Procedures for Re-crediting a FEE-HELP Balance
Schedule of Tuition Fees
Apprenticeships & Traineeships
User Choice funding is offered by Skills Canberra, ACT funding the tuition fee for any worker undertaking a traineeship in an ACT salon and commencing their studying between Jan. 1st 2025 and Dec. 31st 2025 in one of the following courses at Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy (ABTA):
Students must gain employment at a salon located in ACT, with full or part time and register with apprenticeship support Australia, then enroll at the ABTA to study one of above courses prior to Dec. 31st 2025.
Benefits of doing a traineeship?
Apprenticeships are structured training programmes which give you a chance to work (literally) towards a qualification. They help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen industry.
Getting into employment earlier means there’s lots of potential for you to progress in your career quickly. You earn while you learn.
Apprenticeships give you fantastic experience in the working world and show employers that you can ‘hit the ground running’. Hands-on training gives you a real chance to put your skills into practice and helps you to gain more confidence in a working environment.
Benefits for the business owner who offers trainee-ship at work?
Incorporating trainee-ships into the business strategy will assist the business owner to:
safeguard the business against future skills shortages
access Government funding, incentives and rebates if eligible
contribute significantly to the bottom line, and
train staff to the specialist requirements of the business
The salon owner can employ workers under a trainee-ship arrangement without the burden of the additional cost of tuition. The traineeship can be undertaken either full time or part time.
More information about trainee-ships can be found at For information about pay and conditions for trainees in the ACT, please call 1300363 831.
Older Workers Program
If you are mature student over age of 40 and want to study at ABTA to update or learn new skills? Please click the link here to find out more information on eligibility for funding. You can also contact ABTA directly via email or a phone call.
Centrelink Payment Options
From 1st January 2018, the approval of tertiary courses for student payment purposes will change. Student payments (including Youth Allowance (Student), Austudy, ABSTUDY, and the Pensioner Education Supplement) will be restricted to those VET courses (at diploma level and above) and education providers that are approved for VET Student Loans (VSL).
ABTA is a VET Student Loan Provider, the following two ABTA courses are Student payments approved by Centrelink, please contact Centrelink to check your eligibility for Centrelink student payments:
Students undertaking secondary school courses and VET courses below diploma level (such as certificate level I-IV courses) will not be affected by this change.
Students who are current recipients of these payments will continue to receive their payments until they finish their course, provided there is no break in entitlement.
The Department of Social Services website contains further information about the changes.
Skilled Capital
Skilled Capital is an ACT Government training initiative, funded by the ACT and Australian Governments. More information can be found here.